Observational nonsense and the mountain of boxes

As if geeks didn't jerk off over new iPods enough, now there's this news.

I'm in London. And not getting off to a fast start. Still a bit deer-in-headlights at the moment. Not at being in London, mind, but more with having my life in boxes and a hint of uncertainty about unpacking. You see, my folks are showing the house to potential buyers quite a bit. Now, it's their house to sell as they wish, but I wish they'd told me it was being so actively marketed before I moved my life (in boxes) back down (with the exception of the 5 boxes left in my closet at Andy's flat). So I'm sure if I spend the hours (and I do mean hours; perhaps days) unpacking we'll sell the house within 15 minutes and I'll have to pack it all up again. Negative? Yeah, but I just ate 2 hotdogs. That's enough to make anyone testy.

Still. I've drawn up my to do list. That's always the first step to procrastination.