beware nostalgia

I haven't written in the notebooks yet. But that's more due to not really going anywhere over the last few days and hence not needing them than a lack of actual writing. I've written a bit. Anyway, I'm going to lunch this afternoon, so will take it with me then. I'm not going to write in it just for the sake of writing in it though. Only if an idea hits.

I looked all over the web for a new skin/theme for the 'blog. No luck as yet. I'm happy to stick with this one for the time being. With my design experience, I could always bite the bullet and work on one myself. But that's just another distraction. I can pass posts on the blog off as writing exercises; coding a new design would be stretching it a bit. I need less distractions at the moment, not more.

As for the title of this post? Well, that's in reference to a cd I just bought. It was a band that only released one album, just as I was up at university. They were a cult group called Freaky Realistic. They had a few groovy tunes. So I tracked down a copy of Frealism, and it's ok. But not great. To be honest, it's funky fusion with electronica, a splatter of hip-hop and weird harmonies that has a bit of a dated edge to it. If I could have found the three or four songs I liked on LimeWire I would have done it that way. Oh well. It's worth it for the four tracks, especially This Is Freaky Realistic.

In nostalgic music terms its offence is mild compared to others. These are some songs. They range from so outrageously awful that were it not for sentimental reasons and fantastic, though blurred, memories, history would consign them to the mountainous pile of shite pop music to some genuinely fun tunes. Most of them are terrible. They are, however, all in my iTunes library. And remember, let he (or she) who is without sin cast the first stone. Without further ado:

Saturday Night - Whigfield (I even remember the dance moves)
Never Forget - Take That
We Built This City (On Rock n' Roll) - Starship
Axel F - Harold Faltemeyer
Ooh Ahh, Just a Little Bit - Gina G
All That She Wants - Ace of Bass
The Final Countdown - Europe
Come On Eileen - Dexy's Midnight Runner
St Elmo's Fire (Man in Motion) - John Parr
I'm Walking on Sunshine - Katrina & The Waves
Hit Me Baby One More Time - Britney Spears
I've Got The Power - Snap
Footloose - Kenny Loggins (who, by the way, seemed to write almost every movie theme of the eighties, from Top Gun, to Footloose and even Caddyshack)
Tubthumping - Chumbawumba
Sunchyme - Dario G

I feel cleansed by this confession. I don't listen to them that often, but they're there when I need a short reminisce. And out of 4469 songs in the library, that's not such a bad amount of dreadful rubbish, is it? Of course there may be a couple of others in there that suck. Maybe.