bit better

I'm feeling a bit better. I went out yesterday, ran errands, had an eye test - the stuff healthy people do. Still feel a bit rubbish so I haven't started exercising yet.

I have a weird thing on the retina of my left eye. Hypopigmentation. They thought it was a scar, which kind of creeped me out. Having a scar inside your eye? Ew. But no, it's just a spot where there's a bit less pigmentation than elsewhere and as such, if I understood properly, the humour doesn't stick to it properly (the humour being the jelly in the eye, not my sense of humour). The end result of which seems to be fuck all. But it has to go on my record anyway. Got a cool new pair of glasses though, so am feeling trendy and accepted in fashionable London. Or, I would if anyone noticed.

Some funny links:

For any Python fan, this is a must. Silly walks rock.

And this may be the most genius blog ever. For insight into a true cultural icon and master of the spoken word, please have a look (thanks to Capt Cook for that one).