I'm starting to write this without a title. Usually I start with the title. If you're reading it and there's still no title, well, then I guess inspiration passed me over. A title's not hugely important, really.

Sometimes things happen quite quickly. This morning, my father made an offer on a house just up the road, though quite a bit smaller than Staithe, and that offer was accepted. Whether the lady who owns it will be out of it in time for us to move in before we have to move out of here - who knows?

Just over a year ago, last August, I decided to move to London to write my book.
I've decided to move back to Scotland - but not to St Andrews - before the end of the summer. In August, in fact. The first draft of my book will be finished by then.

We had a 4th of July BBQ with loads of food, the Stars n' Stripes waving, some actual Americans, fireworks, and strawberry shortcake. There was treeclimbing and everything.

Need bed now. Sleep's getting better.