Recent discoveries

I found the butterfly again. It's on the first floor landing now, so I guess it can fly. Either that or it's a great climber. Or perhaps it can jump well. I'm not sure. A large chunk of its rear left wing is missing.

It's a peacock butterfly apparently.

I haven't seen it move recently, but it's in a different place every time I walk past it.

I got back from Brora to find the wood pile almost totally gone. There's some wood about to be chopped, but there's no fireplace near my desk, so I don't feel compelled. Where the wood that was there has gone is another matter.

The pics I posted the other day have been edited and titled and all that. So if you haven't seen them yet, have a peek.

The days are getting longer. It isn't happening fast, but it's happening. I noticed it today when I fed the cats. It was dusk, and not pitch black.

Yes, I know the days get longer at this time of year, but there's a difference between the academic knowledge of a phenomena and the observation of that phenomena. I love it when the days start to get longer.

Off to Edinburgh this evening. I would be getting drunk, but I'm driving.